Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New P.E. or No P.E?

            In all of my Physical Education classes, Statistics, Motor Development, EDU 255 and 355, Leadership in Physical Education etc., I have been learning about how physical education has such a bad reputation and how students are not getting enough “phys. ed. time”.  I have heard of many schools that would like to cut physical education out of the curriculum because they feel that physical education is not a real class.  So in retaliation to that, physical education teachers have been working hard and changing their curriculums around so that they can make a point that physical education is needed. 
            I know that in my high school, where phys. ed. was never taken seriously, there are now tests given out to the students throughout the year.  I have heard that some schools are actually trying to make it so phys. ed. has regents to show that the outgoing seniors are a “physically educated person”.  I feel that this is a good thing.  It shows that us as teachers we are actually teaching students something even if they may not use it for the rest of their life.  Even though, the information that teachers provide them with is meant to be used for the rest of their life.  We have been taught to change our curriculums around so that instead of doing the “tired 6” all through the high school years, we teach them lifelong activities that the students can enjoy and actually continue to do in the future.  Yoga, hiking, canoeing, softball, weight lifting, and many more are activities that students can use to further their physical fitness so that they can continue to live a healthy lifestyle.
            One of the huge problems in America today is Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, which is also known as juvenile and adult diabetes.  They had changed the names of the two types because there were so many cases of children with adult diabetes that they could not call it that anymore.  Type 2 diabetes is caused mostly by a person’s lifestyle, in other words, weight.  There have been so many children who are obese that it has caused them to get Type 2 diabetes.  This is something that is not healthy for a young child to have.  Children need to have a way to be active to burn off everything and to find something to do rather than play video games.  Phys. ed. class is one of the things that can help a child stay active. 
Some schools believe that physical education is just another recess class and it does not belong.  I know that the elementary and middle school I went to as a child was thinking of cutting recess and phys. ed. class.  By having these two things, children are able to be active inside and outside of school.  These types of things can help to lower child obesity.  I learned in 355 that we need to fight for more time in the elementary level because if we get them at a younger age to enjoy activity then they are more likely to enjoy it when they get older.  I believe in this very strongly.  One of my favorite coaches believes in the same idea when dealing with coaching players.  She has always had a winning season and the school wants her at the higher level but she wants nothing to do with it because she believes in the principle.  By having class, the children are able to learn skills and be active.  Also we as teachers can point them in a new direction even outside of the classroom to being active.  Teachers are able to create outside activities for students to participate in to help keep them away from sitting at home eating junk food. 
Throughout the years I have been being taught the “new physical education” to help turn these views around.  The old physical something that has helped cause all these views and we have been being taught to be an innovator and to be someone to turn the school views on physical education around.  Physical education is changing and people just need to see the differences and be able to allow the change to happen.
This video is about what I just pointed out about the child obesity and how Congressman Wemp believes in how children need to be educated about physical activity.

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