Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lesson Plans

            Writing lesson plans at first started out to be very difficult, but through the years it they have been getting easier and easier to write.  In each of my teaching classes from my basic teaching class, 255, to my final teaching class, Adapted 356, the progress from my first one to one of my last is clear.  I have gotten better at writing them with each lesson plan; I have also gotten better at organizing my class while teaching because of them.  With lesson plans, I have learned that they are very important for organization, safety, and for you as a teacher. 
With organization, the class is already planned out and all I would need to do is follow the lesson plan.  Also, if I were to have a substitute teacher, they would be able to follow the lesson plan and teach the lesson I had planned out.  Safety is a major thing when it comes to physical education.  Having it in writing is also a major thing because if something were to happen to a student, then you could turn around and say that the safety was emphasized during the lesson because it was in writing.  As a beginning teacher, lesson plans are something to show future employers that you are organized and know how to plan.  Also with the lesson plan, there are different ways to actually teach and you have to write down how you will be teaching that day.  This is good so that every kind of learner is able to learn from how you teach the lesson.
Below are just some of my lesson plans that I have written over the years.  Starting from one of my beginning teaching classes, 255, and ending with my final teaching class, 356.  This shows the progress in my writing lesson plans and in my organization of them.

This is my 255 Badminton lesson plan:

Lesson Plan

1 of 1


Teacher(s):            Amber Raymond              

School:  Cortland   

Date:     10-12-2010

Grade:   Juniors  

# in class:   8  

Teaching Style:   ¨Command   ¨Practice     ¨Reciprocal        ¨Self-Check       ¨Guided Discovery      ¨Inclusion        ¨Convergent    ¨Divergent         ¨Jigsaw    ¨ Cooperative
Assessment Tool
Length of class:    50   mins
 1a/ 1
1. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to perform the magic step without my cues and with the music.

Peer and teacher assessment
Unit:   Dance  
Focus: The Magic Step of the Foxtrot
2/ 5
2. Throughout the class, the students will work in a professional manner in which they will respect each other’s ability and level of skill in dancing.  They will clap when someone is done and help each other out.
Visual by teacher
Equipment:  Music   
1a/ 2
3. At the end of class, the students will be able to go over the cues with the music and be able to answer any questions that I will ask.
Verbal by teacher
Safety Statement


4. Throughout class, the students will keep their space and look where they are going.  They will stop moving when the music is turned off and when I am talking.

References: pg. 90 of Dance for Lifetime Fitness Colleen Buchanan
NYS Learning Standards
Standard 1 – Personal Health and Fitness
1A. Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. Students will attain competency in a variety of motor and sports activities.
1B. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition
Standard 2 – A Safe and Healthy Environment
2a. Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity.
2b. Students will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and communication.
2c. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants.
Standard 3 – Resource Management
3a. Students will be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity.
3b. Students will be informed consumers and be able to evaluate facilities and programs.
3c. Students will also be aware of career options in the field of physical fitness and sports

NASPE Content Standards – A physically educated person:
1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
3. Participates regularly in physical activity.
4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction

Where is fitness (NYS LS 1B) integrated into the lesson?
¨ Are components of fitness are explicitly taught in fitness activity, health and/or skill related fitness component?
¨ Are components of fitness implicitly taught e.g. MVPA in a game?
Health-related Fitness (HRF) 
HRF Goals
Sport-related Fitness (SRF)
SRF Goals
1. Cardiovascular endurance X
1. Elevates heart rate
1. Balance X
1. Need to be balanced in order to keep body position and footwork.
2. Muscular strength
2. Holding the conversation position correctly
2. Coordination X
2. Must know left and right.
3. Muscular endurance X
3. Constantly moving
3. Agility X
3. Works on footwork and keeping with the pace of music.
4. Flexibility
4. Reaction time
5. Body composition
5. Speed

6. Power

Lesson Components

Time (mins)

Organization &

Teaching Progressions – Showing the major number of activities within the selected level of (PC/C/U/P) for the class

Also include some alternate activities if the class needs to move to simpler or higher levels of skill
Adaptations Assessments, Reminders
Instant Activity

 5 min.

Random Formation

·         Standard warm up:

Physical Fitness
     Same as instant
Introduction, Signal for Attention
Anticipatory Set
2 min



  Good morning everyone, my name is Ms Raymond.  How many of you have ever watched Dancing with the Stars?  Well we will be learning about one of those dances today, it is called the Foxtrot.  But more specifically we will learn about the Magic pattern which is the beginning of the dance.  Now when you guys hear the music turn off or my voice, then I need you guys to stop dancing and talking and look at me so I know that you are paying attention.  By the end of class today, I expect everyone to be able to do the magic pattern on your own without my help.


 3 min
S S S S   
 Now I will first demonstrate what we will be doing and then explain it.  Demonstrate twice.  Now the cues consist of Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick.  Your left foot is free if you are the lead, I will explain that in a bit.  So step forward with the left, forward right.  Now for Quick quick, you step to your left and close your feet.  Now your left foot is free again to repeat.  We do this three times.
  If you are the lead then you will be the person facing me.  And if you are the follower, you will be the person with your back to me.  The follower has the same steps but they start on their right foot.
Demonstrate both positions again. Explain the conversation style.
Remind of safety and space

Body of Lesson
(Lesson Focus)

20 min
With partners
Tasks (Extensions) - Activities for the whole class
Cues (Refinements) – Secret to improve performance
Challenges (Applications) - More chances to practice the same tasks

1.Everyone mirror me
S. S. QQ S. S. QQ
1. Count steps as I do
1. Following the steps with the cues.


2. Lead facing me and start with left.  Follower back to me and start with right
Repeating cues
2.Continue counting steps and using cues.
2. Keep body position
 Counting the cues and helping anyone

3.Switch roles

3.Keep head up
4.Adding music, do not move say cues with music. Find new partner

4. Listen to the music and continue saying cues
Making sure everyone has the right beat
5. With new partner, dance to music and cues
5. Keep saying cues with music
Make sure everyone is on the right track
Activity close (Optional)
2 min
Split class into groups.  Have one group go while the ones sitting evaluate them and see what mistakes they may make and add something good about it.  Then go over it and repeat with the second group.
Peer and Teacher Assessment
Lesson Closure

5 min.


So what did everyone think?  How about we review what we have learned. 
So what are the cues?
How many times do we move forward?
What did everyone like about this?
Now for next class we will review the Magic pattern and then move onto the next pattern of the Foxtrot, the Conversation pattern.
Have a rest of the day!
Evaluation of Lesson
Pre-planning: Previous instruction in this activity (earlier grade levels)

Post-planning: “Assessment Drives Teaching:” future needs based on assessment results

Teacher Reflection Notes:

This is one of my first 356 lesson plans:

Lesson Plan

1 of 12

Teacher Candidates(s):   Amber Raymond


Date: September 23, 2011

Grade: 5th

# in class: 2-Dakota and Brandon

Bold Teaching Style:       Command        Practice              Reciprocal          Self-Check           Guided Discovery
                                           Inclusion          Convergent       Divergent            Jigsaw                  Cooperative

IEP (Individualized Education Program) Goals
Assessment Tool &
When it is used
Name of other student(s) in class and skills to work on



Objectives (Be sure to include Situation, Task and Criteria for each objective)
Assessment Tool &
When it is used
Length of class:  50 mins
1. Throughout the lesson the students will be tested on their basic locomotor and their object control skills they will try to perform the skills to their best capability.
Teacher Assessment
Unit: Assessment

Focus: TGMD-2
2. Students will be respectful of themselves, others and the teacher.  They will be given stickers for their good behavior to put in a sticker chart.
Teacher Assessment
Sticker chart
Equipment: poly spots, an assortment of balls, hula hoops, and cones.
3. Throughout the lesson the students will be learning about each other and the teacher.
Teacher Assessment
Sticker chart
References:  (e.g. Book, course packet, pg #, complete web address URL):

Safety Statement
2  / 5
4. Dakota needs to be aware of her surroundings, listen to my voice for instructions, and stay in our designated area.  She needs to only hit, kick, or throw a ball at me or the wall not to the middle of the gymnasium.

NYS Learning Standard 1Personal Health and Fitness
1A. Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. Students will attain competency in a variety of motor and sports activities.
1B. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition
NYS Learning Standard 2A Safe and Healthy Environment
2a. Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity.
2b. Students will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and communication.
2c. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants.
NYS Learning Standard 3Resource Management
3a. Students will be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity.
3b. Students will be informed consumers and be able to evaluate facilities and programs.
3c. Students will also be aware of career options in the field of physical fitness and sports
NASPE Content Standards – A physically educated person:
1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
3. Participates regularly in physical activity.
4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction

What is the ongoing fitness theme or emphasis in this lesson?
Health-related Fitness (HRF)
            (Please Bold)
Cardiovascular endurance                               Muscular strength
Muscular endurance                                        Flexibility
Body composition
Explain how it is developed and where in the lesson it occurs:

The students will be running around the gymnasium while being tested on running, galloping, hopping, leaping, jumping, and sliding.
Skill-related Fitness (SRF)
            (Please Bold)
Balance                                                   Coordination
Reaction time
Explain how it is developed and where in the lesson it occurs:

The students will be catching and kicking a ball when it comes to their object motor test.  They will be working on their reaction time and their hand/foot-eye coordination.

(i.e. Concepts taught, goals, estimated MVPA through a game/activity, heart rate, RPE, step counts, FITT, etc.)

(i.e. Concepts taught, goals, FITT,  etc.)

Lesson Components
Time (mins)
Organization &
Adaptations Assessments, Reminders
Instant Activity
-The students will be shown posters of all different kinds of sports, colors, Disney characters or super heroes, animals, and classes.  The students will put a sticker or a tally next to their favorite ones.  And I will participate also so they get to know me as well.  After three minutes or so, we will stop and look at the similarities and differences.
A way to get to know the students to see what they like and don’t like.
Introduction, Signal for Attention,
My name is Miss Raymond, Miss Ray, or Miss R; you can call me either of those names.  Do you have any nicknames?  My signal for attention is my whistle, I will blow it twice and the students need to stop what they are doing and sit down.  Safety statement!


Do all the movements with the students that they will be tested on and show them what the stations involve.

Body of Lesson
(Lesson Focus)

Teaching Progressions – Show some of the major tasks/activities listed on your Activity Progression Worksheet within the selected level of (PC/C/U/P) for the class. 

Tasks (Extensions) - Activities for the whole class. E.g. Hit the ball over the net to your partner 10 times.

Cues (Refinements) – Simple secrets to improve performance. E.g. Low to high
Challenges (Applications) - More game-like chances to practice the same tasks at the same difficulty level. E.g. In 90 seconds, see how many times you can hit the ball to your partner.
Add modifications to make the tasks easier and harder according to the skill level of the students.
Adaptations Assessments, Reminders

1. Part 1: The students will be going on an adventure with poly spot, they will be performing the skills while pretending to go on an adventure.  They will need to move to different poly spots performing the different tasks they will be tested on.  I will call out the movements they will be doing.
1. Gallop on your horse, hop into the water, leap over the river, jump over the lava, slide between the rocks.
1. Time them and see how fast it takes them to get to their destination after they have been tested.
Easier – Go slow with the motions and take time.  Stay with the one that they struggle with.
Harder - Go faster if it’s too easy or add two new movements into one session.

2. Part 2: Stations
Station 1:Dribbling.  Can pick whatever ball, dribble 30 seconds.
2. Finger tips, push ball, soft hands
2. Count how many dribbles they can get in 30 seconds.
Easier – Bigger ball
Harder -  Smaller ball and move around

3. Station 2: throwing and catching, choose ball, and throw at hula hoop.  I will throw ball, need to catch.
3. step opposition, follow, cradle
3. Count how many times can make it into hoop when throw.  See if can make it out of 10 times
Easier – Have step closer, bigger ball catch with
Harder -  Take step back, smaller ball catch with

4. Station 3: kicking, have goal kick in to

4. front foot planted, kicking leg follow through
4. take steps back, how many goals make 30 seconds
Easier – give bigger ball and close
Harder – steps back

5. Station 4: underhand roll, roll ball to hit smiley face.
5. low and follow through
5.  put pins up and see how many pins knock down
Easier -
Harder - 
Activity close (Optional)

Go through last part, and challenge them in each station.

Lesson Closure,
Hook to Next Lesson

Go over favorite things and see how well they did and go over the stickers.

Evaluation of Lesson
Pre-planning: Previous instruction in this activity (earlier grade levels)

Post-planning: “Assessment Informs Teaching:” future needs based on assessment results

Teacher Reflection Notes:

       This lesson plan is from the middle of my 356 experience:


Lesson Plan

4 of 12

Teacher Candidates(s):   Amber Raymond


Date: October 21, 2011

Grade: 5th

# in class: 1-Dakota

Bold Teaching Style:       Command        Practice              Reciprocal          Self-Check           Guided Discovery
                                           Inclusion          Convergent       Divergent            Jigsaw                  Cooperative

IEP (Individualized Education Program) Goals
Assessment Tool &
When it is used
Name of other student(s) in class and skills to work on



Objectives (Be sure to include Situation, Task and Criteria for each objective)
Assessment Tool &
When it is used
Length of class:  50 mins
1. Throughout the lesson the student will demonstrate dribbling a basketball with correct technique to get performance points that will result in a sticker.
Teacher Assessment
Sticker Chart
Unit: Assessment

Focus: Dribbling
2.  Throughout the lesson the student will be respectful to the teacher and to other people.  She will be respectful to the equipment by putting it away when asked and not throwing it around or stepping on it to gain performance points that will be put on her sticker chart.
Teacher Assessment
Sticker Chart
Equipment: basketballs, cones, poly spots, and hula hoops
3. In the beginning of the lesson Dakota will be explained how the activities relate to basketball skills, at the end of the lesson she will be questioned, for each correct answer she will receive a sticker.
Teacher Assessment
Sticker Chart
References:  (e.g. Book, course packet, pg #, complete web address URL):
EDU 355, Elementary Physical Education Labs, Kniffin, Howarth, and Walkuski.   Pg 22-23
On the Move, Shirley Ann Holt, pg 368-369
Safety Statement
2  / 5
4. Dakota needs to be aware of her surroundings, listen to my voice for instructions, and stay in our designated area.  She needs to only hit, kick, or throw a ball at me or the wall not to the middle of the gymnasium.

NYS Learning Standard 1Personal Health and Fitness
1A. Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. Students will attain competency in a variety of motor and sports activities.
1B. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition
NYS Learning Standard 2A Safe and Healthy Environment
2a. Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity.
2b. Students will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and communication.
2c. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants.
NYS Learning Standard 3Resource Management
3a. Students will be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity.
3b. Students will be informed consumers and be able to evaluate facilities and programs.
3c. Students will also be aware of career options in the field of physical fitness and sports
NASPE Content Standards – A physically educated person:
1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
3. Participates regularly in physical activity.
4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction

What is the ongoing fitness theme or emphasis in this lesson?
Health-related Fitness (HRF)
            (Please Bold)
Cardiovascular endurance                               Muscular strength
Muscular endurance                                        Flexibility
Body composition
Explain how it is developed and where in the lesson it occurs:
Instant: She will be running through the cones so she will be working on her cardio fitness along with the other activities she will be running and jumping.
Lesson: Throughout the lesson, it will be all cardio because she will be running around cones, through the gym, and hula hoops.  When she is working on activities 2-3, she will be doing a lot of jumping and that will work on her muscular endurance.
Skill-related Fitness (SRF)
            (Please Bold)
Balance                                                   Coordination
Reaction time
Explain how it is developed and where in the lesson it occurs:
Instant: She will be working on her coordination and reaction time when it comes to ball handling.  She needs to know her left and right in order to control the ball and which way to move.
Lesson: In the last three activities, she will be working on her coordination.  In the first two activities, she will be working on her agility, reaction time, speed, and balance.  She needs to have quick feet and good balance.  The hoop race will be mostly speed.

(i.e. Concepts taught, goals, estimated MVPA through a game/activity, heart rate, RPE, step counts, FITT, etc.)

(i.e. Concepts taught, goals, FITT,  etc.)

Lesson Components
Time (mins)
Organization &
Adaptations Assessments, Reminders
Instant Activity
S  X X X X X
Dribbling: Dakota will dribble in and out of the cones the length of the area.  She will dribble with one hand up and then the opposite hand back.  At the end of each lap, she will do the ball handling skills we learned the week before (mummy wrap, tossing and catching, and catching rebounds off the floor).
Introduction, Signal for Attention,
Pick up from teacher, go over sticker chart and goals for the day, and go into instant activity.


Demonstrate activities and explain how the activities will help with basketball.
Body of Lesson
(Lesson Focus)
O=Hula  Hoop
X/x=Cone/ Poly spot
Teaching Progressions – Show some of the major tasks/activities listed on your Activity Progression Worksheet within the selected level of (PC/C/U/P) for the class. 

Tasks (Extensions) - Activities for the whole class. E.g. Hit the ball over the net to your partner 10 times.

Cues (Refinements) – Simple secrets to improve performance. E.g. Low to high
Challenges (Applications) - More game-like chances to practice the same tasks at the same difficulty level. E.g. In 90 seconds, see how many times you can hit the ball to your partner.
Add modifications to make the tasks easier and harder according to the skill level of the students.
Adaptations Assessments, Reminders
1. Hoop Race: Dakota will race around the hoop three times, clockwise and counterclockwise.  She will be told to dribble after a couple laps.
1. Finger pads, push the ball, soft hands, ball in front
1. See how many times she can go around the hoop in thirty seconds, with and without the ball.
Easier – Have her not dribble the ball.
Harder –Dribble the ball in and out of the hoop. 
Sticker Chart
S O    OT
2. Hot Feet: Dakota will be given a hula hoop and she will have to jump in and out of the hoop as fast as she can using both feet.
2. Quick feet, jump like skipping rope
2.  See how many times she can jump in and out in 30 seconds.
Easier – Dakota can just walk in and out of the hoop instead of jumping.
Harder While jumping in and out, she can do different foot patterns.
Sticker Chart
O  O  O
O o
3. Find your way out of the maze: The hula hoops will be laid out all over the floor and she will have to jump in certain colors in order to get out of the maze.  At the end of the maze, she will dribble the basketball along with some other ball handling.
3. Finger pads, push the ball, soft hands, and ball in front
3. Time how long it takes her to get out of the maze.
Easier – Keep the hoops close together, and chose colors that are close together.
Harder - Have her dribble the ball through the hoops, move the colors further apart.
Sticker Chart
S X  x X
X                  X
X    x
X        T
4. Find the Princesses:  There will be poly spots with princesses on them spread out across the gym.  She will need to dribble to those spots.
3. Finger pads; push the ball, soft hands, and ball in front
3.  Create a certain pattern, then see how fast she can do the pattern while using the correct form.
Easier – Keep the poly spots close together; don’t make the order as random.
Harder – Spread the spots out around Park Center and have her find the spots while dribbling.
Sticker Chart
S   O
5. Follow the Leader: I will be running around with a hula hoop, she has to follow me while dribbling.  Whenever I stop, she has to shoot the ball.
    Finger pads, push the ball, soft hands, ball in front
5. Count how many shots she makes in a matter of a minute.
Easier – Keep the hoop at a lower height and walk instead of run.
Harder – Hold the hoop at different heights and run at different speeds.
Sticker Chart
Activity close (Optional)
Game Play
We will do a little game play to work on her dribbling technique, in order to score there will be a hoop on the wall that we will shoot at, we have to get it in the hoop in order to get a point.
Lesson Closure,
Hook to Next Lesson
T    S
Go over sticker chart and a ‘quiz’ of the basketball skills, then drop off to teacher.

Evaluation of Lesson
Pre-planning: Previous instruction in this activity (earlier grade levels)

Post-planning: “Assessment Informs Teaching:” future needs based on assessment results

Teacher Reflection Notes:

        This lesson plan is one of my final lesson plans for 356:

Lesson Plan

8 of 12

Teacher Candidates(s):   Amber Raymond


Date: December 2, 2011

Grade: 5th

# in class: 1-Dakota

Bold Teaching Style:       Command        Practice              Reciprocal          Self-Check           Guided Discovery
                                           Inclusion          Convergent       Divergent            Jigsaw                  Cooperative

IEP (Individualized Education Program) Goals
Assessment Tool &
When it is used
Name of other student(s) in class and skills to work on
1a / 1
1. By the end of the semester, Dakota will be able to dribble and shoot the basketball with correct form without any help from the teacher and will receive a sticker.
Teacher Assessment
Sticker chart
No other students
2 / 6
2. By the end of the semester, Dakota will get a reward for listening and behaving properly in the classroom with stickers on her chart.
Teacher Assessment
Sticker chart
No other students
2 / 5
3. By the end of the semester, Dakota will be to take a verbal quiz of the basic concepts learned throughout the semester and score at least a5 out of 7 on it.
Teacher Assessment
Quiz chart
No other students
Objectives (Be sure to include Situation, Task and Criteria for each objective)
Assessment Tool &
When it is used
Length of class:  50 minutes
1a / 1
1. During the activity passing lines, Dakota will need to pass the ball with the correct form 3 out of 4 times for each pass (chest, bounce, and overhead).
Teacher Assessment
Sticker Chart
Unit: Basketball

Focus: Passing, shooting, dribbling
2 / 6
2. Throughout the lesson the student will be respectful to the teacher and to other people.  She will be respectful to the equipment by putting it away when asked and not throwing it around or stepping on it to gain performance points that will be put on her sticker chart.
Teacher Assessment
Sticker Chart
Equipment: Basketballs, poly spots, hula hoops, jump ropes, cards
1b / 2
3.  In the beginning of the lesson Dakota will be given new cues regarding passing, at the end of the lesson she will be re-asked about them and will need to get at least 3 out of 4 correct.
Teacher Assessment
Sticker Chart
References:  (e.g. Book, course packet, pg #, complete web address URL):
EDU 355, Elementary Physical Education Labs, Kniffin, Howarth, and Walkuski.   Pg 22-23
    Cards Sharks Basketball
Safety Statement
2 / 5
4. Dakota needs to be aware of her surroundings, listen to my voice for instructions, and stay in our designated area.  She needs to only hit, kick, or throw a ball at me or the wall not to the middle of the gymnasium.

NYS Learning Standard 1Personal Health and Fitness
1A. Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. Students will attain competency in a variety of motor and sports activities.
1B. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition
NYS Learning Standard 2A Safe and Healthy Environment
2a. Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity.
2b. Students will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and communication.
2c. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants.
NYS Learning Standard 3Resource Management
3a. Students will be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity.
3b. Students will be informed consumers and be able to evaluate facilities and programs.
3c. Students will also be aware of career options in the field of physical fitness and sports
NASPE Content Standards – A physically educated person:
1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
3. Participates regularly in physical activity.
4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction

What is the ongoing fitness theme or emphasis in this lesson?
Health-related Fitness (HRF)
            (Please Bold)
Cardiovascular endurance                               Muscular strength
Muscular endurance                                        Flexibility
Body composition
Explain how it is developed and where in the lesson it occurs:
-Instant: During the activity, she will be jumping and running so her muscular endurance and cardio will be worked on.
-Lesson: During each of the activities her cardio will be worked on.  In activity 4 she will be working on her muscular endurance with jump roping and hula hooping.   During activity 3, she will be working on her muscular endurance and strength.
Skill-related Fitness (SRF)
            (Please Bold)
Balance                                                   Coordination
Reaction time
Explain how it is developed and where in the lesson it occurs:
-Instant: Agility and reaction time will be worked on during rock paper scissors.  Also her coordination will be worked on because she needs to know which way to place her legs in order to win the game.
-Lesson: Throughout the lesson she will be working on her coordination, agility, reaction time, and balance.  She needs to know her right and left in order to play the games.  Her reaction time will be tested when she has to catch the ball that is being passed to her during activities 3 and 4.

(i.e. Concepts taught, goals, estimated MVPA through a game/activity, heart rate, RPE, step counts, FITT, etc.)

(i.e. Concepts taught, goals, FITT,  etc.)

Lesson Components
Time (mins)
Organization &
Adaptations Assessments, Reminders
Instant Activity
Rock, Paper Scissors: We will play rock, paper, scissors and whoever loses has to turn around and run to the safety line.  Instead of using our hands we will jump the signs.
Introduction, Signal for Attention,
Pick up Dakota from teacher; go over sticker chart and goals for the day.  Go into instant activity.


Demonstrate the games and then get into the lesson.
Body of Lesson
(Lesson Focus)
O= Hula Hoop
X= Cone/Poly spot
Teaching Progressions – Show some of the major tasks/activities listed on your Activity Progression Worksheet within the selected level of (PC/C/U/P) for the class. 

Tasks (Extensions) - Activities for the whole class. E.g. Hit the ball over the net to your partner 10 times.

Cues (Refinements) – Simple secrets to improve performance. E.g. Low to high
Challenges (Applications) - More game-like chances to practice the same tasks at the same difficulty level. E.g. In 90 seconds, see how many times you can hit the ball to your partner.
Add modifications to make the tasks easier and harder according to the skill level of the students.
Adaptations Assessments, Reminders
1. Knock Out: We will play knock out from a different spot not the foul line.  Instead of having one shot, we will get two shots.  When someone gets knocked out, they have to dribble the ball for thirty seconds then they can play again.
    Finger tips; push the ball, hip height.

1. Take away the two shot rule, and make it one shot instead, like normal knock out.
Easier- Put the hula hoop back up to use as a basket instead of the big hoop.
Harder- Move the shot back further.
Sticker Chart
T   S
2. Shark and Minnow: One of us will be a shark which will go after the person (minnow) with the ball.  The minnow has to keep on dribbling but try to not lose the ball.  If the shark knocks the ball out, then they win.  We have to stay in the marked in area.
2. Finger pads; push the ball, soft hands.
2. See if she can stay as a minnow for 30 seconds.
Easier – Make the area bigger so she has more room to run around in.
Harder – Make the area smaller so there is less space to move.
Sticker Chart
T   S
3. Passing lines:  She and I will work on a chest pass, a bounce bass, and a baseball pass.  We will start stationary and then move up the court.
3. Step to target, push the ball, snap the wrists, and follow through
3.  Count how many passes she can get in 30 seconds while moving.  She has to use the correct passing form.
Easier – Stay close together and if need be, then only stay stationary.
Harder – Move further apart and quicken up the pace.
Sticker Chart
T      S
4.  Card Sharks Basketball: We will have a deck of cards and each card represents something different.  When she picks the card, we have to do whatever is on that card.  The numbers are the amount of the task she has to do based off the suit.  Take out the Kings, Queens, and Jacks.
4.  Clubs Shooting
     Spades: Passing
     Hearts: Dribbling
     Diamonds: Jump rope or hula hoop
4. For shooting, she has to make a certain amount of shots based on the card before she can move on.  EX. If she pulls a three card, she has to make two of those shots.
Easier – Only use two suits instead of all four and make it only dribbling and shooting.
Harder – Add in the Jacks, Queens, and Kings then make those higher numbers.
Sticker Chart
o   o    o
o   o
T  S
5.  Princess Around the World:  We will play princess around the world.  There are princesses on poly spots and she has to shoot the ball at those spots like around the world.  She has a three shot chance at each spot before she can move on or down.
5.  BEEF

5.  Take away the three shot rule, either lower it down to two or the normal one shot rule.
Easier- Put a hula hoop back up as a basket instead of using the hoop.
Harder- Move the spots back further.
Sticker Chart
Activity close (Optional)
Game play
 We will just do a little game play to end the day. 
Lesson Closure,
Hook to Next Lesson
T   S
 Give out stickers based off performance of the day, then drop off to teacher.

Evaluation of Lesson
Pre-planning: Previous instruction in this activity (earlier grade levels)

Post-planning: “Assessment Informs Teaching:” future needs based on assessment results

Teacher Reflection Notes:


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